Air Fry Till I Die Website

Landing page of air fry till I die website

Air Fry Till I Die

The Air Fry Till I Die (AFTID) website hosts an array of simple (6 ingredients or less) recipes that uses an air fryer for UH students to view. The idea for using an air fryer is that a typical UH student dorming in does not have access to a full-sized kitchen, but they still want to be able to create a simple meal that is healthy and tasty. This is why we chose an air fryer, as it is small and portable, and can be used for a variety of recipes.

The AFTID website offers:

My Contributions

As this was a group project, the work was split between three people. My contributions to this website are:

Nutritional Facts
Nutritional modal of air fry till I die website
List Ingredients
List ingredients page of air fry till I die website
Inventory page of air fry till I die website

What I’ve learned

From working on this group project, I learned many lessons from what went wrong. One of the notable lessons is “if its not broken, don’t fix it.” Although there are caveats to this claim, such as if the fix would make it better, I believe that this is something important to remember, given our time frame. We originally had the whole ingredients and recipe layout operational, but realized that it wasn’t an optimal layout. We wanted to change it so that it was optimal, but didn’t take into account the time frame we had left, or possible errors that we would run into along the way. It made me realize how important the agile project management process is, as it allows to keep these ambitions in check and see what is realistic and what is not, so we can take reasonable steps towards fixing this issue, or easily back track once we realize it is not feasible to fix such a issue.

Source code can be found as “Air Fry Till I Die” in the organizaiton’s Github.